Bible verses

How to Guide: Breath Prayers

How to Guide: Breath Prayers

Introducing Ready, Set, Breathe: A Card Deck With 42 Bible Verses And Breath Prayers For Your Anxious Moments, now available at the

Breath prayers are a way of soothing anxiety and grounding yourself by meditating on God’s Word while breathing in and out.

The idea behind this card deck is that God, our savior, is always a breath away. As a licensed therapist, I know very well the power that breathing has when it comes to managing our emotions. The power of breath combined with the power of the Holy Spirit inside of us is what makes breath prayer one of the best tools for our anxious moments, our fearful moments, our sad moments, our angry moments, and even our joyful moments, and our good moments!

Breath prayer is good for any moment because it is simply the act of connecting ourselves to God’s word and his presence through breathing.

In this walkthrough guide I will teach you how to do breath prayers and how to use our breath prayer card decks.

Step 1:

First, you will start by picking one breath prayer card from the Ready, Set, Breathe Card Deck.

Then you will get into a comfortable position. You can sit in a chair, on the floor, sometimes I will even do my breathe prayers standing! I like to start by reading the Bible verse on the front first to help set the stage and provide context for the breath prayer that’s on the other side of the card.

For this example, I’ll be using the first card in the Ready, Set, Breathe Card Deck which is:

"Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 
1 Peter 5:7

It’s helpful to get into a rhythm of steady, intentional breaths to help still your mind, especially if you find yourself in a really anxious space at the moment.

I like to do about 3 deep breaths, in through the nose, and out through the mouth.

As you notice each breath going in and out of your body at a nice and steady pace, imagine God’s presence beginning to saturate your entire being as you breathe in his spirit and breathe out your worries.

Step 2:

Now flip the card over to the breath prayer side, you will breathe in nice and slow and then speak out loud or say in your mind the first half of the sentence written under "inhale".

Which for this card is, “I can trust you with my worries,”

Pause for a moment as you meditate on what you just said.

Step 3:

Now as you breathe out deeply, say the second half of the sentence written under "exhale", which for this card is “because you care for me.”

Give yourself another moment to pause and meditate on the truth of God's Word.

Step 4:

Then you will again repeat the breath prayer 2 -3 more times. Imagine God's presence beginning to fill up inside of you as you release your worries to him.

And that’s how you do a breath prayer! Like with any meditative habit, it requires practice in order to get comfortable doing it and for it to be effective.

A quick recap of how to do breath prayers:
I love the Ready, Set, Breathe Card Deck because it comes with a pouch making it easy to carry it around with you for quick access. Or you could take a few cards and put them in different places like your car, mirror, or purse so that they’re readily available.

I specifically chose verses that are encouraging for those that deal with anxiety. There are 42 different ones so you have more than enough to flip through if you wanted to change the breath prayer you meditated on each day or pick your favorite to meditate on for an extended period of time, and give some of the cards away to family and friends to use too.

However you want to use the Ready, Set Breathe Card Deck is up to you!

God’s presence is always readily available to us, meaning that peace is always a breath away. Hope is always a breath away. We just have to take a moment to actually slow down, and that’s exactly what the Ready, Set Breathe Bible Verse and Breath Prayer Card Deck helps you to do.

Dealing with anxiety doesn’t define you or your faith.

Get the Ready, Set, Breathe Card Deck and begin cultivating a habit of peace in your own life today!

If you have any questions, leave a comment down below or send us an email at and we'd be happy to help.

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